What do the holidays mean to you?
Are they just time day off of work, time with friends and family a chance to eat
copious amounts of pie? For me it is a sacred moment on the calendar. A gold
star if you will. Where you are awoken from the slumber of your daily routine
and awaken into authentic self spending time with people doing the things that
give you satisfaction. Hopefully you and your guests part with the nutrition,
friendship, and gratitude for a time well spent. Like the saying goes, merry
meet and merry part.
It would be lovely if that rose
tinted picture were true for everyone. However, I have seen and experienced the
other end of the holiday spectrum. I end up rushing around; shopping crazy, there
is a need to get it just right. I imagine you and the family would be perfectly
fine just having a simple meal and watching a movie. Right? The stakes all the sudden
seem to be higher when they are big commercialized holidays looming such as
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Whether
it’s a big adult themed Halloween or Samhain party. Or having to evaluate who’s
thanksgiving invite you have to say no to it can all be very stressful when you’re
supposed to be relaxing and being in the moment celebrating.
How can we alleviate this unnecessary
pressure and anxiety? It is often easier said than done. More importantly, how
does your creative process; be it professional or hobby, play into your holiday
experience? Consistently, I find myself falling back on tried and true methods.
When I don’t my mood and physical body let me know it’s been too long since I
picked up and brush or pen and allowed myself to experience the act of
I encourage you to be patient with
yourself. Whether it means taking a more mindful approach of what a holiday
celebration really means to you. Allow yourself to enjoy writing, playing
music, making art or playing with your kids or pets without judgment, guilt, or
comparing to others. Trust your process.
You are not in charge of anyone else’s happiness but your own. Chose to enjoy the moment to create and